Our celebration of volunteering in London's parks and public green spaces. We'll be sharing stories of best practice, resources, ideas and experiments to inspire, champion and enthuse.

If you have something to share, send us details by emailing to hello@goparks.london

A huge thanks to those park friends groups who have taken the time to create a listing on the GoParksLondon map.

Explore directory of Friends Groups >

The London Friends of Green Spaces Network is the network for 700+ London Park Friends Groups and borough friends group forums.

Sign up to the LFGN e-zine, Our Patch >
The views expressed in the social media feeds we link to from GoParksLondon are solely those of the authors and we cannot be held responsible for the views expressed in those feeds. However if you have any concerns about any social media feeds which we link to please contact us here  |  For data and licensing information please see About   |  CPRE London, 70 Cowcross Street, London, EC1M 6EJ  |  Charity number 802622