Park Friends

A brand new service has been launched to help parks friends groups be the best they can.

The Better Friends website takes visitors through a questionaire and then offers a report based on your responses suggesting ways you can improve the group's performance or delivery.

Created as a pilot project by the Friends of Lordship Recreation Group with Haringey Council and support from consultants Dave Morris and Paul Ely, it's been funded by NESTA, the National Lottery Heritage Fund and the National Lottery Community Fund as part of the Rethinking Parks Programme.

Aftrer completing the online form, users are emailed a personalised feedback report with an overall score for their group, plus a more detailed breakdown covering key topics such as:

  • organisation
  • structure
  • strengths
  • effectiveness
  • ambition.

The overriding aim for the Project is to support Friends’ groups across the country to feel better equipped and more confident in their active involvement with their local park.

A spokesperson for the Parks Community, who are running the project, said: "We will identify key elements of community empowerment and how it can be encouraged, developed and supported."

Lordship Recreation Ground, Haringey

Lordship Lane,N17 6NU | Always open

  • Particularly good for different kinds of cycling from toddlers to adults balance bikes to bmx.

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