Woodcroft Wildspace

A nature reserve in , Enfield • Downes Court, N21 3PT

To walk and take in the peace and quiet, gain calm and wellbeing.
Observe and learn about the wildlife, learning respect for all living things and their value.
Sit peacefully on your own or with a friend for a quiet chat in green surroundings.

  • Wild areas
  • Sensory garden
  • Pond/lake
  • Woodland

  • For the safety of all visitors and the wildlife, all dogs must be on a lead at all times please, no exceptions. Thank-you
  • Education
  • Peace and wellbeing
  • Natural play features
  • Open air performance area
  • Nature trail

Opening Times: 09:00 to 17.30 - dusk in winter

Woodcroft Wildspace is designed to be an Educational Wildspace for the benefit of the whole of Enfield. We have a diverse range of habitats to support educational visits by all ages and abilities. We are entirely volunteer run and funded by donations and grants for specific features.

Who you will find in Woodcroft Wildspace

Best place to check for events in this park


The organisation with legal responsibility for Woodcroft Wildspace is Woodcroft Wildspace. Their website for the park is

Woodcroft Wildspace is managed and maintained by Woodcroft Wildspace

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