Wimbledon Park

A park in , Merton|Wandsworth • Home Park Rd, Wimbledon, London, SW19 8AU

  • Landscape

  • Dogs allowed with some dog free zones
  • Athletics track
  • Fishing
  • Golf course
  • Bowling green
  • Park run
  • Sailing
  • Tennis court
  • Playground for younger kids
  • Nature trail

Opening Times: From 7:30 daily

Wimbledon Park is a Grade II* listed park in the heart of south west London, designed by Capability Brown in the 1760s. The Friends of Wimbledon Park (FOWP) is a voluntary organisation that aims to give a voice to local people, community groups and other interested parties, to protect and enhance this well-loved landscape for future generations.

Who you will find in Wimbledon Park

Wimbledon Park Bowls Club


Hercules Wimbledon Athletics Club


Wimbledon Park Golf Club


The Wimbledon Club

Tennis, Cricket, Hockey & Squash

Wimbledon Park activities for hire

Tennis, beach volley ball, crazy golf, bowls, athletics

Wimbledon Park Junior parkrun

2k run for 4-14 year olds


The organisation with legal responsibility for Wimbledon Park is Public Park Merton Council/The Wimbledon Club/AELTC. Their website for the park is

Wimbledon Park is managed and maintained by Public Park Merton Council/The Wimbledon Club/AELTC.

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