Wendell Park

A park in , Hammersmith and Fulham • Wendell Road, London, W12 9SA

Play, Picnic., Walk dogs, Garden

  • Bug hotel
  • Herb garden
  • Flowerbed

  • Dawn until dusk
  • Dogs allowed with some dog free zones
  • Playground for younger kids
  • Community growers' project

The area north of Cobbold Road was developed in the late Victorian and Edwardian period and when St Saviour's Church was built in 1890 it was largely surrounded by fields. The Vicarage overlooking the park was built in 1894 and Wendell Park School in 1900. Wendell Park, which was opened by Hammersmith Vestry in 1897. The planting in much of the park is of recent date although there are some mature plane trees in the north-west corner, and one possibly C18th plane to the east. There are sycamore trees along Wendell Road. The park has children's play areas and a small nature conservation area.

Who you will find in Wendell Park


The organisation with legal responsibility for Wendell Park is LBHF.

Wendell Park is managed and maintained by LBHF

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