Threecorner Grove

A public woodland in , Croydon • Footpath entrance from North Downs Road, CR0 0LD

Admire and record rare species of insect and plantlife
Go for a walk in nature
Volunteer with London Wildlife Trust

  • Animal/bird enclosure
  • Nature reserve
  • Wild areas
  • Woodland

  • Always open
  • Dogs on leads at all times due to grazing animals
  • Nature trail

From London Wildlife Trust: 'About the reserve This dry chalk valley in New Addington is a butterfly spotter’s paradise and a great place to find orchids, rare plants, and blankets of bluebells. Hutchinson’s Bank is a steep grassland valley-side, while Chapel Bank features enchanting ancient woodland, scrub and rolling chalk grassland. Between them, Threecorner Grove is a spectacular stand of ancient woodland. History Chalk grassland develops on shallow lime-rich chalky soils that are nutrient-poor and free-draining, and in London this internationally important habitat is predominantly found in the southern parts of the boroughs of Bromley, Croydon and Sutton. This part of the North Downs was traditionally grazed by sheep until the 1950s, but changes occurred as new settlements such as New Addington and Forestdale developed. London Wildlife Trust began managing Chapel Bank in 1984 and Hutchinson’s Bank in 1987. Grazing was re-introduced to Hutchinson’s in 1995, and Chapel Bank in 2011, for the first time in half-a-century. Threecorner Grove was included into the reserves’ management in 1997, as was the verge alongside Featherbed Lane north of Hutchinson’s Bank. Management Short turf is essential for species unable to compete with coarse grasses and scrub, grazing now helps manage this. Other species need the mosaic of taller grasses, scrub and woodland. Ongoing management of scrubby vegetation is a key aim, and we encourage the growth of specific food plants for butterflies. Status Site of Metropolitan Importance for Nature Conservation; Local Nature Reserve, Metropolitan Green Belt Get involved Record species you've spotted Volunteer Contact Simon Hawkins via email for more information.' Photo credit: Daniel Greenwood

Who you will find in Threecorner Grove


The organisation with legal responsibility for Threecorner Grove is London Wildlife Trust. Their website for the park is

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