Ravensbourne Local Open Space

A amenity green space in , Bromley • Fishponds Road, Keston, BR2 6HA

Read the interpretation boards scattered around the site to understand its history and importance to the community
Visit Keston Bog (visited by Charles Darwin, who undertook many experiments there and observed the Sundew plant, now our emblem)
Observe the wildlife in the two conservation ponds
Take the small kids/grandkids to the playground
Search out the variety of wildflowers in the four meadows
Read about the Bonham-Carter family, who owned part of the site and created their Victoria Garden introducing various exotics including Bamboo, Rhododendron etc
Read about the Tate & Lyle Company, who owned part of the site and used it as a research centre and grew sugar cane

  • Historic features
  • Nature reserve
  • Pond/lake
  • River/stream
  • Water feature
  • Wild areas
  • Wildflower meadow

  • Dawn until dusk
  • Dogs allowed in all greenspaces
  • Playground for younger kids
  • Nature trail

Most of Ravensbourne Open Space is designated as a Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) by Natural England and all of it is a Local Nature Reserve (LNR). It incorporates two conservation ponds, four wildflower meadows, Keston Bog and a play area for small children. Keston Bog is the richest site of bog flora anywhere in London and the only site where bog asphodel is found. It was here that Charles Darwin came to find the insectivorous sundew (Drosera rotundifolia) and the area supplied him with many other specimens related to his research work.

Ravensbourne Local Open Space

formed 2007

Who you will find in Ravensbourne Local Open Space

Friends of Keston Common


Best place to check for events in this park


The organisation with legal responsibility for Ravensbourne Local Open Space is Bromley Council.

Ravensbourne Local Open Space is managed and maintained by idverde

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Friends of Keston Common

Formed 2007
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