Queensmead Recreational Garden

A recreation ground in , Bromley • Queensmead Road, Bromley, BR2 0ER

A large flat area of grass used for football matches, official or impromptu. It is also used by local people for informal excercise.There are good views up the slope of Martin's Hill towards the town centre. If you can ignore for a moment the looming shape of the Central Library/Bromley Theatre, the view of the parish church remains very similar to what it was in the late 19th century. Queen's Mead was purchased by subscription in 1887 to celebrate the 50th year of Queen Victoria's reign. It was the traditional site of Bromley fairs and gatherings, now moved elsewhere. A Victorian former drinking fountain is located here.

Queensmead Recreational Garden

formed 2005

Who you will find in Queensmead Recreational Garden

Friends of Bromley Town Parks & Gardens



The organisation with legal responsibility for Queensmead Recreational Garden is London Borough of Bromley. Their website for the park is

Queensmead Recreational Garden is managed and maintained by idVerde

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Friends of Bromley Town Parks & Gardens

Formed 2005
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