Pinner Memorial Park

A park in , Harrow • Chapel Lane, PINNER, HA5 1AA

Join a circle of friends on the grass for a picnic or sit on a seat in the sun
Sing on the swings and listen to the Swing Band at the Sunday Summer Concert
Tweet to the budgies, count the ducks on the lake, hope for a pair of swans and ignore the pigeons and sea gulls
Enjoy Daisy's coffee, read the news, then exercise on the green gym
Rediscover Heath Robinson's contraptions, illustrations and sense of humour
Admire the wisteria on the wall and the dove, the weeping ash and the roses in the Peace Garden
Have fun at the Pinner Village Show in September

  • Dog cemetery
  • Memorial plaque
  • Peace Garden
  • Obelisks
  • Dove outline sculpture
  • Public art
  • Historic features
  • Animal/bird enclosure
  • Bird box
  • Flowerbed
  • Nature reserve
  • Ornamental garden
  • Pond/lake
  • Treescape
  • Water feature


Pinner Memorial Park is the best known of all the Pinner parks partly because it is close to the town centre and easily accessible by Tube and bus. It has presence because it was once the garden of a large house and the renovated remnant of West House provides a cafe and upstairs gallery. The green lawns, the lake with its splashing fountain, the tall oaks, fir trees and the many exotic trees are reminders of this park's history. The playground, the Heath Robinson Museum and the green gym are newer attractions and in the north west corner, hidden behind the wall, there is the Peace Garden as a place for quiet contemplation.

Who you will find in Pinner Memorial Park

Rotary Club of Pinner

Pinner Village Show

West House Pinner

Venue hire and events

Pinner & District Community Association (PADCA

Venue hire and events
Park Cafe - indoor and outdoor seating

Best place to check for events in this park

The Pinner Association website


The organisation with legal responsibility for Pinner Memorial Park is Pinner Memorial Park Trust, Charity No. 1060531.

Pinner Memorial Park is managed and maintained by Harrow Council

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