Pimp Hall Park

A park in , Waltham Forest • Simmons Lane, Chingford, London, E4 6JH

Mixed age play area, basket ball hoops, zip wire, great views over Chingford and large open space ideal for picnics.

  • Wildflower meadow
  • Treescape

  • Dogs on leads
  • Basketball hoops
  • Playground for younger kids
  • Playground for older kids
  • Natural play features

Opening Times: approx 8.30am to sunset.

This beautiful park has open grassed space with fine views over Chingford. There is a mixture of play equipment for all ages, including a zip wire and a fenced playground for under 7s.

Who you will find in Pimp Hall Park

Friends of Pimp Hall Park and Nature Reserve


Best place to check for events in this park


The organisation with legal responsibility for Pimp Hall Park is London Borough of Waltham Forest.

Pimp Hall Park is managed and maintained by London Borough of Waltham Forest

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Friends of Pimp Hall Park and Nature Reserve

Formed 2015
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