Perivale Park and Meadows

A recreation ground in , Ealing • Perivale Park, Greenford, Ealing, UB6 8EN

  • Wildflower meadow
  • River/stream
  • Sensory garden
  • Pond/lake
  • Treescape
  • Herb garden


A lively park with lots of activities including an athletics track, a golf course and cafe (with a drinking area for thirsty dogs), cricket and football pitches, tennis courts, outdoor gyms and exercise machines. There are many walking paths, including along the Capital Ring, three flower meadows and a spring bulb glade. Two rivers (with sighted kingfishers along the Brent) run through the park, with lots of ponds and wildlife and a restful and biologically diverse community orchard garden with native varieties of fruit trees, herbal raised beds and floral meadows. There are many benches for sitting, including the Nicky Hopkins memorial bench. Four local walks starting from South Greenford station next to the north entrance to the park have been registered at and the park has an entry in the London National park city Wiki at The park is part of the new Gurnell to Greenford greenway route along the river Brent and was judged as part of the London in Bloom competition in 2021, for which Ealing won a gold medal. Nearby are the new Costons nature reserve and pond and Longfield meadows wetlands. Many photos of the park can be seen on Google maps.

Perivale Park and Meadows

formed 2017

Who you will find in Perivale Park and Meadows

RedGreen Group and Perivale Park Friends


Ealing Bee Keepers


The organisation with legal responsibility for Perivale Park and Meadows is Ealing Council. Their website for the park is

Perivale Park and Meadows is managed and maintained by Ealing Council

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RedGreen Group and Perivale Park Friends

Formed 2017
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