Pepys Park

A park in , Lewisham • Foreshore, Deptford, SE8 3AG

Take in the views across the Thames and down to Greenwich.
Relax in this park in the lovely sunshine

  • Wild areas
  • Wildflower meadow

  • Always open
  • Basketball hoops
  • Playground for younger kids

Pepys Parks consist of a number of open spaces set along the river Thames and Grove Street. Lower Pepys Park runs along Grove Street and consists of open grass with lots of trees around the perimeter. There are areas to play games and a basketball court. Upper Pepys Park is near the Thames and accessed from Bowditch and Foreshaw. This is an open grassy area, meadow and is calmer and quieter. It is from there that you can view the Thames. The parks are linked by a path and some steps. The Thames path goes through the park.

Pepys Park

Who you will find in Pepys Park




The organisation with legal responsibility for Pepys Park is Lewisham Council and Glendale Grounds Management.

Pepys Park is managed and maintained by Lewisham Council and Glendale Grounds Management.

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