Keston Common

A common in , Bromley • Fishponds Road, Keston, BR2 6HA

Read the interpretation boards located around the site
Visit Caesar's Well,the source of the River Ravensbourne
Check out the Iron Age Bank and Ditch
Walk around the ponds and soak up the wildlife

  • Heathland
  • SSSI
  • Scheduled Ancient Monument (SAM)
  • Nature reserve
  • Pond/lake
  • Woodland

  • Dawn until dusk
  • Dogs allowed in all greenspaces
  • Fishing Ponds
  • Nature trail

The site has served the community since ancient times. It has iron age earthworks and old mills and is adjacent to Holwood House, the site of a former residence, Prime Minister William Pitt the Younger. He and William Wilberforce are known to have walked on Keston Common and it's a significant location visited by Charles Darwin for his research. It is registered as a Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) as well as having Scheduled Ancient Monument (SAM) status.

Who you will find in Keston Common

Friends of Keston Common


Best place to check for events in this park


The organisation with legal responsibility for Keston Common is Bromley Council.

Keston Common is managed and maintained by idverde

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Friends of Keston Common

Formed 2007
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