Hackney Downs

A park in , Hackney • Downs Park Road, E5 8NP

Visit the kids playground
play basketball or set up some nets for football
see the amazing mosaics
go for a run under the tree canopy
enjoy the big open spaces

  • Tree Musketeers tree project
  • Public art
  • Wildflower meadow

  • Always open
  • Dogs allowed with some dog free zones
  • Basketball hoops
  • Cricket pitch
  • Grass playing pitch
  • Multi sports ball court
  • Operational toilet
  • Drinking fountain
  • Playground for younger kids
  • Orchard project

A wonderful park with plenty to do. It has a great range of sports facilities to get active, you can have a kick around on the grassy field, play tennis or play some basketball. You can also relax and take a chilled walk through the wildflower meadow and experience the tree musketeers tree project. A great park with lots of things for everyone to enjoy.

Who you will find in Hackney Downs

Hackney Downs User Group


Best place to check for events in this park

Hackney Downs Community Group


The organisation with legal responsibility for Hackney Downs is Hackney Council.

Hackney Downs is managed and maintained by Hackney Council

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Hackney Downs User Group

Formed 2014
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