Frendsbury Gardens

A community garden in , Lewisham • 1 Frendsbury Road, Se4 2BL

Come and volunteer with us every Wednesday and Saturday from 11am -2pm
Visit the two domes in the garden - one made of tiles and timber, the other is a made of living willow
Explore the pond, and see if you can spot a newt

  • Outdoor library
  • Public art
  • Pond/lake
  • Herb garden
  • Flowerbed
  • Bug hotel

  • No dog access
  • Accessible entrance
  • Bench
  • Benches with backrests and sidearms
  • Natural play features
  • Open air performance area
  • Community growers' project

Opening Times: January 8am-4.30pm February 8am-5.30pm March 8am-6.30pm/8pm (subject to BST) April 8am-8pm May 8am-9pm June 8am-9pm July 8am-9pm August 8am-8.30pm September 8am-8pm October 8am-7pm/5pm (subject to GMT) November 8am-4.30pm December 8am-4pm

A combination of large ornamental beds, fruit and veg beds, nature conservation areas including wildlife habitats such as a nature pond. There is so much to explore in this community garden. Perfect for all ages.

Who you will find in Frendsbury Gardens

Best place to check for events in this park


The organisation with legal responsibility for Frendsbury Gardens is Lewisham Council. Their website for the park is

Frendsbury Gardens is managed and maintained by Glendale

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