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Dog Kennel Hill Open Space is a rare habitat in a highly built-up area - sandwiched between Camberwell and East Dulwich in London. Although small, it supports a variety of plants and animals including woodpeckers, cowslips and protected stag beetles.There are three main areas to the park: a wood, an open grassy area and a wild area. Each of these areas are worth exploring as they support a variety of species and you never know what you will see. The park is a well-loved haven for local residents and visitors to the nearby Sainsburys. In collaboration with the council, the Friends group have undertaken a series of planting projects including an orchard, a glad, native hedges and a wildflower bank. Well worth a visit!
The organisation with legal responsibility for Dog Kennel Hill Open Space is Southwark Council. Their website for the park is
Dog Kennel Hill Open Space is managed and maintained by Southwark Council
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