Cannon Hill Common

A common in , Merton • Cannon Hill Lane, Sw20 9DB

1. Attend one of our walks when these are organised e.g. bird, bat, flower, butterfly and tree walks
2. Follow the Nature Trail round the common with a young person
3. Fish in the lake (with the appropriate licence from the Environment Agency)
4. Help with litterpicks when these are organised
5. Join a working party on the Fruit Hedge and help keep it free from brambles and nettles
6. Pick fruit from the Fruit Hedge when the various berries ripen
7. Walk your dog on the common and enjoy a small piece of countryside in the city
8. Read the information boards giving the history of the common and Cannon Hill House as well as the wildlife to be seen on the common
9. Walk round the common using the woodland paths
10. Visit the Nature Reserve in the centre of the common on one of its twice yearly openings

  • Pond/lake
  • Nature reserve
  • Wildflower meadow
  • Woodland
  • Bug hotel

  • Always open
  • Dogs allowed in all greenspaces
  • Lake
  • Footpaths
  • Litter bins
  • Accessible entrance
  • Information board
  • Benches with backrests and sidearms
  • Orchard project
  • Nature trail

Despite its name, Cannon Hilll Common was never common land but was always part of someone's estate. The park dates from 1927 when the developer George Blay sold 21 hectares of land to the Council for an urban park. It is a site of Borough importance - Grade ! for Nature Conservation. It boast mature woodland which is over 140 years old and is home to a wide variety of plants and animals.There is a fenced Nature Reserve in the centre of the common which is closed to protect wildlife habitats, apart from Open Afternoons usually held twice a year which are organised by the Friends of Cannon Hill Common. There is a Fruit Hedge which was planted by the Friends of Cannon Hill Common with plants supplied by the Tree Council.and which is managed with the help of the Merton Tree Wardens. There are two wildflower meadows which are only mown after the flowers have set seed.

Cannon Hill Common

formed 1995

Who you will find in Cannon Hill Common

Friends of Cannon Hill Common


Best place to check for events in this park


The organisation with legal responsibility for Cannon Hill Common is Merton Council. Their website for the park is

Cannon Hill Common is managed and maintained by Merton Council but maintenance is sub-contracted to

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Friends of Cannon Hill Common

Formed 1995
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