Basing Hill and Brampton Grove

A park in , Brent • Brampton Grove. Barnhill., HA99QU

1. Discover - Wildlife - Biodiversity.
2. Discover - The trees in the 2 woodland open spaces.
3. Walk - The tree scape with a dog or without.
4. Make - Your own tree scape trail using the app.
5. Breathe - Under the increasing canopy of trees.
6. Respect and Help Protect - Our Tree scape.
7. Bring - Your children to discover the tree scape trails
8. Draw - Artists welcome.
9. Write - Writers, get your inspiration here !
10. Sing - Singers welcome
11. Dance - Caledonians also Welcome.
12. Read - Community Library Outreach are in Brampton Grove !
13. Wassail - Ye Olde Tree trails in January. Bring your own spiced beverage.

  • Mature trees
  • Treescape

  • Always open
  • Dogs allowed in all greenspaces
  • Orchard project

In the late 18th Century, land owner Richard Page sought the advice of Humphry Repton who was employed at Wembley Park. Remnants of his scheme survive such as the belt of trees running down from the hilltop and crossing Brampton Grove and Basing Hill. The area was saved from development, firstly in 1927 when 50 acres of wood and hilltop were conveyed to Wembley UDC for Barn Hill Open Space. Then, after Fryent Way opened in 1935, Middlesex County Council compulsorily purchased what was largely farmland to keep it public open space. Brampton Grove and Basinghill were saved again from the developers - Wimpey with local groups and historic researchers who fought to protect these open spaces that have become woodland havens for bio-diversity and therefore wildlife. A bat survey is pending with hedgehog counts, slow worm and newt identification. Barnhill has a slow worm population that are protected from being killed by loss of habitat.

Basing Hill and Brampton Grove

formed 2021

Who you will find in Basing Hill and Brampton Grove

Friends of Brampton Grove and Basinghill Woodlands


Brent Parks Forum

Wildlife and birdwatching, Start Count - astronomy

Best place to check for events in this park


The organisation with legal responsibility for Basing Hill and Brampton Grove is Brent Council. Their website for the park is

Basing Hill and Brampton Grove is managed and maintained by Brent Parks

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Friends of Brampton Grove and Basinghill Woodlands

Formed 2021
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