Rope swings in Larks Wood, Waltham Forest (c) Tim Webb

We've all been there. Writing a press release, an article or a funding bid and you can't remember where you came across that amazing factoid or statistic on the health benefits parks deliver or the how they improve life in cities.

The good news is that Natural England has published a document referencing lots of facts and statistics.

"A rapid scoping review of health and wellbeing evidence for the Framework of Green Infrastructure Standards"

This document gives you a rundown of the latest research (up to Sept 2020) on the many benefits delivered by green infrastructure in our parks.

It goes further and suggests that green streets and public spaces can all also help address issues ranging from the health and development of babies, anxiety, type II diabetes and many other issues.

While it admits evidence may not always be conclusive and that every park or setting is different, it confirms that a well planned park, backed by its local communities, can deliver a range of social, environmental and health benefits.

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