COVID-19 remains a threat.

Hand washing and the average two metre physical distancing rule (minimum 1 metre) remain critical to reducing the spread of coronavirus.

Face coverings are required by law on public transport, and most indoors settings. Facial coverings don't prevent you from contracting COVID-19, but do reduce the risks of infection.

Parks are open for exercise and relaxation, Physical distancing rules still apply, as does all the guidance around hand washing. Families from one household can visit parks together, or individuals from a household can meet one other person outdoors. Households can also meet with people in their "bubble".

Public space remains an issue for many who do not live near a park and don't have access to a garden or communal area. Check our map to find green spaces near you.

In many cases, parks and public spaces are operating with reduced teams to clean and maintain them, which means bins are emptied lesss often and things like grass cutting or habitat management may well be reduced. The lifting of the closure for green gyms and children's playgrounds will add extra pressure and expense on some councils.

Visitors can help by keeping play or exercise equipment clean, picking-up litter and ensuring it is disposed of properly. If you spot any park damage or issues which may be of concern, be sure to report it.

People have been volunteering to help clean parks or water thirsty trees and plants. Ensuring volunteers are safe, suitably equipped for any tasks, and are not exposed to any unnecesary threats from COVID-19 or anything else, can be a full-time job, which some local council's cannot resource at present. This is where a Park Friend's group may be able to offer support.

So, the magic numbers to remember are:

  • 1m+ - That's the minimum distance between people (use your judgement).
  • Members of a household can visit parks together, but individuals can only meet 1 other person from outside their household outdoors.
  • 41% of adults say they visit parks.
  • 72% of adults in London want their local green space improved according to a CPRE survey
  • 87% of adults say... "being in nature makes me feel happy”.
  • 700+ Park Friends groups operate across Greater London.
  • 4000+ is the number of public parks and open spaces you can find to explore on the GoParks.London map.

The impacts of COVID-19 will leave their mark through our society for many years to come. It's had a big impact on how we live and move around. What has been a real positive is the way communities have come together to offer each other compasionate support. We may well have to live with physical distancing for a long time, but we are learning new ways to be together while apart.

Why not become one of the magic number of people helping make London greener, healthier and wilder for all, by volunteering with any of the local groups working in your community.

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