Coronavirus has drastically changed all our lives with many of us now staying at home to ease its impact and lighten the pressure on our health services.
Self isolating can be incredibly difficult and scary.
As of 4 July, green gyms and childrens playgrounds can re-open in parks. Hand washing and a mimimum 1m+ distance between people is obligatory.
Individuals can only meet ONE other person in outdoor spaces (not including private gardens). Households can visit parks together as a unit or with a member of their "bubble" is they have one.
Parks have become quite busy at times with runners, cyclists and walkers or dog-walkers. Please do maintain the 2 metre plus physical distancing rule. Some parks have added helpful chalk or stencil markings on pathways to indicate what two metres looks like. This distancing applies to cyclists too.

Some parks friends groups have asked regular exercisers who carry water on their daily trips to keep newly planted trees, shrubs and flowers moist, as regular maintenance has been suspended or park work reduced to a minimum.
London is lucky in having lots of natural spaces, many of which are cared for by volunteers from local communities. Please respect other park users and help keep our parks clean and tidy through this difficult time. Please take your litter home, or any that you might kindly collect on your daily outing, and bin or recycle it as appropriate.
If we all use our common sense and act responsibily, our parks, public spaces and river walks will be clean and inviting for all, so we can celebrate outdoors together once the coronavirus crisis has passed.
Check out our Instagram, Facebook and Twitter feeds for photos, videos, sounds and comments to maintain nature connections. Experts say that experiencing nature virtually (online) can also lift your spirits and help you through isolation. We'd also welcome your contributions so share directly through our social media feeds and add the hashtag #GoParks.London to your posts.