Could you be a Hedgerow Hero?

CPRE London is looking for friends of green space groups to help transform the city through a network of new hedgerows.

Urban hedgerows provide rich habitats for a range of wildlife. They help improve air quality, screen homes and play areas from busy roads, and can hide ugly fences and make our green spaces more beautiful.

Over the next 12 months, CPRE London aims to plant more than 3,000 metres of new hedgerow in London, as well as restoring up to 400 metres of existing hedgerow.

They are open to applications for hedgerows of any length, but have some preference for funding the creation of longer hedgerows. Proposed hedgerows either in green belt areas or in low-income areas with little greenery will be given preference.

If you know of a green space that would benefit from a hedgerow but doesn’t yet have a friends group – they are also open to applications from groups of individuals willing to set up new friends groups to undertake the planting and provide care for the hedgerow as it becomes established. We’ve helped lots of friends groups to get established so can help you through this process.

To be selected for funding, you should know of a hedgerow that needs restoration and extension, or have identified a possible site for a new one. CPRE London also need to know who is likely to be involved, or to benefit from, the project.

For further details and to express an interest in planting hedgerow in an area near you please email

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