We support corporate volunteering, linking up corporates or other organisations with park friends groups who may have volunteering days planned. Volunteering days might involve some park maintenance; or they may be part of a bigger project delivering an improvement to the park, for example planting trees or creating new flower beds. We are also in touch with local groups who are trying to ‘grey the green’ by de-paving concreted areas, creating rain gardens or ‘parklets’ and these groups may also benefit from volunteer support; and groups creating micro woodlands, orchards and gardens for urban food growing. The opportunities will vary depending on what groups are planning at any particular time.

We look to help you mobilise a combination of volunteer time and funds for purchasing plants and related materials and to support the related project management and long-term maintenance. If you don't have an available budget, the best thing is to work in two phases - starting with something like a sponsored challenge, perhaps walking and discovering London's countryside - maybe in the Green Belt or discovering an area of nature rich woodland, wetlands or parklands. This could be done as a team building / networking event and we can provide support on practical arrangements including helping identify a suitable route and supporting the team in their fundraising efforts.

Then, for the volunteering day, we can work with you on identifying an impactful planting or other type of event. This needs to be planned in advance and at the right time of year for plants or trees to bed in well.

We ideally look to target this work in an area of low income. We will help find an area with an active community group that can help with subsequent maintenance of the site so that it can be a valuable addition to London's green infrastructure long term. We will also be able to report back to volunteers on the impact of your efforts.

If you are able to estimate the probable group size (even if this is a range) this will be helpful in our planning.

Please contact Laura@cprelondon.org.uk to get involved!

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