Friends of Wimbledon Park planting trees (c) Twitter@FoWimbledonPark

London's Parks and public spaces are owned and managed by a whole host of people but alongside them stands an army of volunteers who give time, energy and expertise.

In February 2020, the Friends of Wimbledon Park (FOWP) held their latest tree planting event, having added some 2000 trees over the past three years, in many cases replacing some lost to storms or disease. Their efforts don't end when the final shovelfull of soil is tamped down. They also hold regular maintenance days to ensure the new trees survive. Organisers said a big thank you to everyone who joined them for tree planting in February.

We planted a variety of trees including dog rose, hawthorn, hazel, wild cherry, lime and oak. A good community turnout which will leave a lasting legacy. A great team effort!

Meanwhile, Garthorne Nature Reserve ____ volunteers were clearing invasive plants from the Lewisham reserve. This is just one of the many tasks volunteers deliver in parks. Find your nearest Friends of Group on our #BigGreenLondonMap or you could even think about creating a friends group and then registering it on the Go Parks London map. See the advice on our webpage.

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